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What’s Happening to the IT Department?

Where once IT departments were the sole source when it came to technology implementation, today technology is finding its way into corporate America through nearly every department.

Marketing folks may have been among the first to leave the IT department fold when they ditched cumbersome CRM systems for easy-to-use, but they were just the tip of what has grown into a pretty big iceberg.

Virtually every day sees a new app available to help workers be more productive — and those workers aren’t hesitating to download those apps and get on with business.

So, what does that mean for today’s IT department? And what does it mean for the CEO and CFO trying to extract the most out of every resource and asset, including the IT department? Has the IT department become irrelevant?

Hardly. What’s really happening is that the IT department’s role is evolving from tactical to strategic — from the in-the-trenches crew that assembled and delivered all of an enterprise’s information technology to a strategic orchestrator of streamlined technology planning, acquisition, delivery, and support.

This new way of doing IT has enormous implications for productivity and cost-effectiveness. And CEOs and CFOs need to be as aware of the shifting nature of what the IT resource means to their business as does a CIO. If you’re wondering how this dynamic new IT model will impact your business, seek out a trusted technology advisor for a chat.

Meet the Author
Tim Burke is the President and CEO of Quest. He has been at the helm for over 30 years.
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