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Cloud Computing’s payoffs — Part 1

Graph showing the payoff from Cloud Computing

For years, traditional siloed IT has been so rigid that even cast-in-concrete, one-size fits-all cloud services offer important improvements. This IBM study from last year shows where those improvements are: In flexibility, scalability, and efficiency — as well as reducing costs and providing the ability to ensure business continuity in the face of unanticipated disruption.

The same benefits are evidenced in another study , done for a venture capital firm. This study also attempts to peer out ahead a few years.

And what’s visible on the horizon? That Cloud Computing increasingly will be driven by the needs of the business — for innovation, competitive advantage, and mobility.

Cloud Computing’s business benefits are especially worth paying attention to. Which is why my next blog will focus on them.

Meet the Author
Tim Burke is the President and CEO of Quest. He has been at the helm for over 30 years.
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